DIY Feature - Marie and Ethan Haverty

Marie and Ethan set out to build their teardrop trailer as an engagement project with the hope to have it completed for their honeymoon!

They completed their build in Indiana and used our DIY Vaga Plans.

What made you want to build a tiny camper?

Ethan said he had always wanted to build one, and had followed Wander Tear in the past. I thought it would be a great engagement project, so we went for it!

What was your experience level with the skills required to build a camper (wood working, electrical, metal work, etc.) when you started?

Ethan was a mechanical engineer before becoming a financial advisor. Marie had zero experience but was the self appointed project manager.

What was the first step in your build?

Buying the parts for the trailer.

What was your favorite part of the build?

Pulling it down the road (unfinished) for the first time. It was just a trailer and insulated floor, but seeing that progress gave us motivation.

What was the most difficult part of the build?

Skinning the camper.

How long did it take you?

A little less than a year and a half, but we spaced it out to be done for our honeymoon.

If you're comfortable sharing, what was the total cost of the build?


Would you do anything differently?

We would have followed the plans closer. We made some customizations along the way but made it more confusing for ourselves.

What has been the best part of owning a tiny camper?

Most looking forward to being able to quickly load up and take off for a night or weekend. We already have some longer trips planned out as well.

Any tips for someone that wants to build a tiny camper but doesn’t know where to start?

Ethan’s Answer- spend a considerable amount of time planning out each step. Marie’s answer- Buy the plans and just go for it!

How did using Wander Tears DIY plans and having the resources provided affect your build process and time?

The plans did most of the legwork for us, which was really nice!

Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.
— Unknown

Looking to build a DIY Teardrop Trailer of your own? Check out our detailed DIY plans to get started now and adventuring sooner!


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