What’s New with Wander Tears

August, 2022

Hey guys, we’re back with a new “Whats New with Wander Tears” where we give you a little insight in to our personal lives and what Wander Tears has been up to lately!

Last month we took a break from building and headed out in our own teardrop trailer to work from the road! Now we are back in South Carolina, rejuvenated from being outside every day and back to creating custom campers alongside helping DIYers!

Anyways, let’s get into what’s new with us and what you can look for coming soon (or at least a few hints…)


Typically when we travel in our teardrop, we end up in the desert. This trip we decided to change things up and made a B-line for Montana after a weekend floating down the Buffalo river with Paige’s brother, his fiancé, and their dog Finn!

We always get asked about if it’s comfortable in a teardrop when it’s super hot or cold. The truth is YES. The hard part is getting out of the camper in these temperatures!

The first night we camped in Arkansas was over a 100 degrees. Yes, at night. We pretty much always dry camp, and this night was no different. We decided to just use our vent fan rather than setting up our portable AC because it was already 2 in the morning. We cranked that baby up to 80% with the air flowing through the windows and out the vent, and ended up waking up from being cold to get a blanket.

On the contrary, we spent some time at this KILLER spot near the Sawtooth Mountains (see photo to the right) and were shocked to wake up to below freezing temps our first morning there. Not to mention the day before was in the 90’s and we spent plenty of time in the creek cooling down. On nights when it’s cold, we just crack both windows and run the vent fan on the lowest setting to keep air flow. We also have an awesome warm blanket that Danny’s mom custom made for us a few years back that keeps us nice and cozy in our camper.

Enough about the weather, this trip was AWESOME! We switched things up a bit and instead of trying to see all the different locations, we stayed put in one spot for about 3 nights at a time. This way we got to enjoy the downtimes at camp, eat at incredible local spots, and get some work done!

Our main stops were Lewis and Clark National Forest near Great Falls and Glacier in Montana, the Sawtooth Mountains in Stanley Idaho, and Grand Tetons near Jackson Wyoming.

We get asked a lot why we sell completed teardrop trailers, but also have DIY plans for people to build theirselves. The truth is, our teardrop completely changed our lives. It has allowed us to travel SO MUCH more than ever before, and we spend far less money on accommodations and food (even with these crazy gas prices). With these different options, we hope to get as many people in a teardrop and into nature as possible!


The BEST part of building custom campers is always pick up day! It’s so cool to finally get to meet the families we’ve been talking with and creating their new trailer for.

In June we had a couple from Ohio come pick up their new Vaga to travel with their pup! We also had a family from South Carolina come pick up their new Vaga!

This month we are building a Renegade model in a new color of aluminum we haven’t used yet. Be sure to follow along with the process over on Instagram to see some behind the scenes and progress!

You can check out our models and all the customizations here.

Did you know we have a $500 US military discount off our custom builds?



DIY Plans are available for the Renegade, Vaga, and Hopper models. We also have a 3D Vaga model with layers to our DIY page so you can easily manipulate the free 3D Vaga model to better visualize the components. (This model is included in the DIY Plans).

We love seeing DIYers building their own teardrops using our plans across the globe! When you get our detailed DIY plans your are also invited to our private build community on Facebook. This is where DIYers share their progress and can ask any questions related to building their teardrop.

Be sure to check out our other blog posts to see some of our featured DIYers. We also share a lot of our DIYer’s progress on Instagram in our feed and in our stories!

Lastly I’ll give you a hint on what’s to come… We are working on something for DIYers who may feel like they don’t have enough experience or tools to complete the build fully on their own. Stay tuned as we hope to bring another option for DIY teardrop builders NEXT MONTH…

Trailer Frames

Your frame is one of the most important parts of your teardrop build. You want a strong foundation that can take you wherever you want to wander. Unfortunately, finding a quality trailer frame can also be one of the trickiest parts of the build process.

If you’re looking for a heavy duty trailer frame, check ours out here! Just like our teardrops, frames can be customized to meet your vision. From a basic frame to a fully off-road with wheels to match your vehicle.

All trailer frames come with a VIN, Bill of Sale, and Certificate of Origin which will make your life much easier when it comes time to register your teardrop. Your frame is typically ready within a month, as long as we don’t have any supply issues getting materials and parts.

Social Media

The best place to check us out on social media is Instagram. We post just about every day and always try to add value for those building a camper or trying to decide if a teardrop is right for them. We also hope to inspire people to live with more intention. It’s easy to stay in your comfort zone and dream about “some day”. But we want you to achieve those dreams and make them your reality!

If you are wanting longer videos with more information, check out our YouTube! We’d love to have you subscribe to our channel so you can see every time we post a new video. Check out our Vaga Tour and Renegade Tour. We honestly have not been posting as much as we would like to be because we’ve been focused on building campers, but we’re putting steps in action to get back to our bimonthly schedule! If there is anything specific you would like to see, let us know!

We are also on Facebook and TikTok if you prefer those platforms. As always, we truly appreciate every like, comment, share, and save as it helps our content reach more people organically who may find it helpful!


Rentals have picked up with the warmer months! If you are wanting to give teardrop trailers a try before building or buying your own, we have two trailers for rent! Our personal Vaga model and a Renegade model available in Aiken, SC. And, it comes with UNLIMITED MILES! So you can use a teardrop camper the way it’s meant to be used. Check out the details here!

That is all we have for this months update! We hope you have an awesome month! Happy building, and spend plenty of time outdoors!

The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.
— Oliver Wendell Holmes

DIY Feature - Shandy Floyd


DIY Feature - Mike O